Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 Garmin G1000 Track Up / North Up

The G1000 map orientation defaults to North Up. You can check the current orientation at the top right of the MFD screen. The orientation can be changed in the MFD menu. Follow these steps to change: On the MFD, click the Menu button. On the Map Options screen, click the ENT button. On the Orientation screen, click the ENT button. ...

MSFS2020 ILS Landings Guide - Garmin 1000

If you have been trying to perform an ILS landing using an aircraft equipped with the Garmin 1000 on Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 then there is a good chance that it hasn’t been working. Fortunately, I have a solution. Follow my guide below and you should be happily landing using the ILS system. Create The Flight Plan Step 1 is to create the flight plan in the World Map. In the example I used for this guide, I select LSMP as the departure and LSGG as the arrival. The flight plan will default to Direct-GPS, please change this to Low-altitude airways. ...