
Well, it finally arrived and chaos ensued! Now things are settling down a little bit and people can access the sim, I looked at the new system of setting up controllers. It’s quite daunting at first but I think the granularity of the new system is an improvement. Yes, it’s still buggy and incomplete, for example my sensitivity sliders do not show any axis movement but I am sure it will be fixed soon. I also have a CTD when trying to change anything to do with the TOBII eye tracker so I am leaving that alone for the time being (I think there is a bug logged for this with MS already)

Device Setup From Blank Profile

Open the Settings menu by clicking the gear icon on the main screen then click on the Controls tab and your Device List wil be displayed on the left hand side

If you look at the top of the list you will see which aircraft you are currently using. Make sure you are editing controls for the correct aircraft. There is a Change Aircraft option if you need to switch.

Left click on the device that you want to configure and three options are presented:

  • General Controls
  • Airplanes Controls
  • Specific Controls

Airplanes Controls contains the profiles that we want to edit.

Click the gear icon next to the device name (in my case it’s Bravo Throttle Quadrant) and select Duplicate. Enter a useful / memorable name because we can apply this profile to multiple aircraft later. I typically call my something like Single Engine GA or Twin Engin Prop. Click the OK button once you have decided on a name.

Now we have a named profile that can be edited with our preferred configuration. Microsoft has preconfigured a lot of options but I find it easier to clear this and begin from a blank template. To remove all bindings, click on the Gear icon and select Clear then confirm with Ok

Now it’s just a case of searching for the input you want to change in the search bar. In this example I am looking for Engine 1 Throttle Controls so I typed throttle 1. From the list I chose Throttle 1 Axis and click in the box next to it. This will change to say SCANNING… Scanning at which point we move the lever or press the button that we want to use. The input should be recognised and listed in the box. Configured

Now the fun part… repeat the process for every input / button on every controller that you want to configure. After you are finished make sure to click on Save and Back